Friday 6 April 2012

The power of imagination

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.
For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand,
while imagination embraces the entire world,
and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

The power of imagination is incredible and can create wonders. Creative visualization can be practiced through the combined effort of imagination, focus, belief, consciousness and affirmation. Focus on God, your affirmations will be realized through consistent and persistent efforts of practice and positive attitude. By believing in what you wish for, and succeed as you are surrounded by your power of imagination. It is true! Very many successful genii, including Albert Einstein, practiced the law of Attraction or Creative Visualization in their early lives before they became world-famous. Their biographies indicated that those men used to visualize their fantasies, even the technological discoveries, which later found fully realized.

They all proved to themselves that "believing is seeing." Latin Proverb: "Believe you have it and you have it". Belief is the motivating factor that enables your each your goal. Their success-setting strategies of their earlier lives for manifesting their goals and dreams through the power of visualization on a consistent basis led them to where they were in the human history. They experienced in their minds and lived with their goals and dreams as if it was real before they actually accomplished in this material world. This is how the Law of attraction, also known as "The Secret", works. Creative Visualization is the art of seeing in advance through your imagination what you want to accomplish. To practice creative visualization, set up a goal, fantasy or desire about what you want to achieve in order to enhance your life. Sit back, relax, close your eyes and fantasize about the goal you just set up. Don’t put any limitations on it and don’t shroud it with any sort of doubt. Be
One-hundred percent certain about achieving that goal. Keep in mind that there is no one who is going to interfere with the goal or fantasy you just created and there is no one who is going to prevent it from happening. You are the creator of your own world of fantasies. Only you, but no one else, have the power either to accomplish its manifestation. The most successful visualizations are done in a meditative state at the alpha-state of mind. If it was any health-related challenge, visualize that you are already getting healed, and fantasize with a blind hope that you will get healed.

Become a witness of your own achievement within your body and re-live it as if it was occurring in your body minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour and day-by-day. Believe in it and be persistent in your efforts of practice as many times as possible throughout every day. This is the process of programming your subconscious mind. There are people who have achieved their perfect body weight by thinking that and by visualizing that they are thin and there are people who have cured health issues using visualization techniques. Visualize that you are already wealthy sending the signals of your happy and prosperous emotions to your subconscious mind time and time again continuously during the day and night.

This habitually developed repeat process would program your subconscious mind and begins to treat your habit as a reality, and as a result you will be able to attract and encounter circumstances and attributes that would make you wealthy. At the same time visualize yourself as a generous giver contributing your time and effort not only to your own progress but also for the benefit of your community. Feeding the who need help all successful

 Wealthy people do this and sympathizing with others who do not possess wealth
would let your subconscious mind know that you deserve to be wealthy, and for known or unknown reasons you would attract abundance and would become the source of wealth. The divine universe will use you as a source to distribute the wealth

''Imagination, which in truth
Is but another name for absolute power
And clearest insight, amplitude of mind,
And reason, in her most exalted mood.''
William Wordsworth (1770-1850)

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